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Avatar Module

ShopEngine Pro comes with the WooCommerce Avatar module where you can configure how the user avatar will appear on the Account dashboard.

Enable WooCommerce Avatar Module #

To enable the ShopEngine WooCommerce Avatar module,

  • Login to your WordPress site.
  • Navigate to ShopEngine > Modules from WordPress dashboard.
  • Find the Avatar module from the list.
  • Click on the ⚙️ (settings icon).
Enable WooCommerce avatar module - ShopEngine

After that, an off-canvas window will show up for template settings. In the Template Settings,

  • First, Enable the module.
  • Set the Avatar Max Size (KB).
  • Click on the Save Changes button at the bottom of the screen.
Configure Avatar module - ShopEngine

Now you will be able to add a user avatar on the Account dashboard page on your website. Read the documentation for Avatar Widget to learn how to use the widget and add a user avatar on web pages.

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Updated on December 4, 2022