GutenKit Block Editor

Ultimate No Code Solutionfor Gutenberg

Build websites 10x Faster with ZERO coding in the Block Editor. Get GutenKit blocks & ready templates; say hello to a smooth website-building journey!

500+ Patterns

& Templates

50+ Advanced


Mega Menu


3D Parallax


Motion Animations

Inline SVG

Icon Pack

Making Gutenberg Feel
Like a Page Builder

Features Explain Action

Native Gutenberg Interface, with Better Features

Simple yet advanced page builder with the same interface that you know inside out.

  • Easiest workflow for Gutenberg.
  • Design pixel-perfect websites.
  • Full flexibility in customization.

Create Entire Pages Within Full Site Editor (FSE)

Every block, pattern, module, and setting works perfectly with Full Site Editor.

  • Complete full site editing compatible.
  • Design layouts within Full Site Editor.
  • Create your own templates and patterns.

Create Stylish Menus with Mega Menu Builder

Missed Mega Menu in Gutenberg? Not anymore! Start creating Mega Menu in WordPress.

  • Improve site navigation.
  • Create two-dimensional menu layout.
  • Add dropdown menu items.

Extending The

Power of Block Editor

Bridging the gap between Gutenberg and page builder

GutenKit Module - Motion Effects

Motion Effects

Create vibrant designs with 40+ motion animations for every block.
GutenKit Module - Glass Morphism

Glass Morphism

Mesmerize your visitors by adding special glass effects to your webpage.
Coming Soon GIF

3D Parallax Effect

Create interactive web pages with vertical and horizontal scrolling in the block editor.

There’s More in
GutenKit Block Editor

Draggable Containers

Adjust container width visually just by dragging your mouse cursor over it. Making the editor a true page builder.

Fast Loading Assets

Only load the assets when you need them. Boost your site’s performance by smartly loading CSS and JavaScript assets.

API v3 Support

GutenKit provides full support for Block API version 3, meaning all blocks will work seamlessly inside the iframe.

900+ Inline SVG Icons

Fast loading Font Icons that don’t load the entire icon library. Instead, only load the icons you use.

Global Color Scheme

Reuse the color scheme and maintain consistency and save time by reusing colors.

Design For All Device

Use Flexbox container to design responsive web pages with live previews for different devices.

Google Text Fonts

Pick from over 900 Google fonts and have total control over the typography to design your website just how you want it.

Copy Paste Styles

Streamline your workflow by copy-pasting block styles. The content remains unique, but the style becomes identical.

Download Remote Images

Decide whether to download remote images from external servers to your media library.


Beginners to professionals; including web developers, designers, marketers, agency owners, and anyone using WordPress block editor. GutenKit is a page builder for Gutenberg, making building websites with WordPress fast and easy.

GutenKit is compatible with all themes as long as they maintain WordPress Theme Development Standards. Whether it’s a WordPress block theme or a conventional theme, you can seamlessly use GutenKit for your website.

You have full modular control over every block and module of GutenKit. So you can only enable the blocks and modules you are using and disable the rest of the elements to improve website loading time.

GutenKit efficiently loads the CSS and JavaScript codes only for the elements in use to reduce the loading delay. Also, inline SVG icons can help to improve website performance. Moreover, GutenKit is a lightweight plugin with cleaner codes that helps you to build faster-loading web pages.

Our friendly and efficient support team is 24/7 available to listen to you. Contact our support team whenever you need help or report a bug.

We are continuously updating the plugin by adding new blocks, templates, and advanced features. More importantly, we are focused on instantly fixing any bugs reported by the users or our QA team.

Why not! Get involved while we are building the ultimate Gutenberg page builder for WordPress. Check the roadmap, vote for the feature listed, and suggest more features that you think will improve the plugin.

All our features and blocks are well documented. Check the documentation page to use GutenKit easily. Also, we regularly publish blogs to enrich your knowledge about WordPress block editor.

No Code, Ready Design,
Build Websites Like A Pro