Product Tags

Product tags widget allows users to add related tags for products to track sales, stocks for warehouse, and more. It is easy to do just by dragging and dropping the widget.

You can add the widget for single product pages. So, choose the single product page where you want to add the widget and follow the way described here.

Activate Product Tags Widget #

From the WordPress admin dashboard, go to ShopEngine > Widgets. From the list of single-page widgets, turn the Product Tags widget ON.

enable product tags widget of ShopEngine

Use the Product Tags Widget #

Search for the Product Tags Widget under the ELEMENTS tab of Elementor.

Search for the product tags widget of ShopEngine

Drag and drop the Product Tags widget from Elementor onto the single product page.

drag and drop product tags widget of ShopEngine on prdouct page

Customize the Product Tags Widget #

The Product Tags widget for Elementor will let you customize the style of showing the product tags on the single product page. 

From the style tab, customize the tags alignment, Show or hide tags label, set tags label color, choose tags label text-decoration, tags links color, tags links hover color, and typography. 

customize the product tags widget of  ShopEngine from Elementor

Customize the settings and update the product page.

What are your feelings
Updated on March 27, 2022