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Add To Cart

Add To Cart Widget allows customers to add products to their virtual shopping cart. This is a single product template widget. You can add this widget to design your single product page using ShopEngine.

Let’s learn how you can use Add To Cart Widget on your wooCommerce site:

Step 1: Enable the widget #

To enable the widget,

  • Go to: ShopEngine > Widgets > Add To Cart 
  • Turn on 
  • Save changes
enable add to cart widgets

Note: You can also turn on Product Stock with a global setting that turns on all the widgets of ShopEngine at the same time.

Step 2: Add Add To Cart Widget #

Before you can add the widget you need to create a Single Product Template first. Check out the documentation on how to create a Single Product Template.

To add Add To Cart:

  • Go to ShopEngine > Templates > Single Product Page Template
  • Click on Edit with Elementor
edit single product template
  • Search for Add To Cart on Elements Search option
  • Drag and drop the widget 
  • Click on Update to save changes.
drag and drop add to cart widget

Step 3: Settings of Add To Cart #

Go to Content > Settings to customize the following options:

settings add to cart
  • Quantity Settings:
    • Button Style: You can change the button style. You can set the increase (+) and decrease (-) buttons on both sides, both left, both right or you can leave it as default.  You also have the option to choose custom Plus Icon(+) and Minus Icon(-).
  • Stock:
    • Show Stock Status: You can show the stock status by turning this option on.
  • Variation:
    • Variation Description: Turn this option on to show product variation description.
  • Data Ordering:
    • Enable Ordering: Enable this option to customize the position of Quantity, Add to Cart, Quick Check out, Wishlist, and comparison position. You can use – value for the position, the less value (- 5) will get more priority.
    • Quantity Position: You can not change this option for group products. In that case, this option will always be first.

Fill in the rest of the values according to the order you want them to appear and click on Update to save.

Step 4: Style Settings of Add To Cart #

Switch to the Style tab to get access to all the style options.

Expand Stock Status and edit the following settings:

Stock status style settings
  • Typography:  You can change the font family, font size, font weight, transform, and line height for the stock status text here.
  • Alignment: You can choose the alignment to be left, right, or center.
  • In stock color: Choose the text color when the product is in stock.
  • Out of Stock Color: Pick the color for the text when the product is out of stock.

Expand Add to Cart Button to edit the following style options:

add to cart button style
  • Typography:  You can change the font family, font size, font weight, transform, and line-height for Add to Cart Button here.
  • Normal/ Hover: Change the color and background color for both normal and hover views.
  • Border type: you can choose the border type to be solid, dotted, doubled dashed, or none.
  • Width: Select the top, left, right, and bottom width of the border.
  • Color: Pick a color for the border.
  • Border-radius: Put the top, right, bottom, and left values for the radius.
  • Padding: Adjust the top, left, right, and bottom padding.
  • Margin: Give a margin to the top, left, right, and bottom if you want.

Expand Quantity Input to edit the following style options:

quantity input style settings
  • Typography:  You can change the font family, font size, font weight, transform, and line-height for the quantity input option.
  • Color: Pick a color for quantity text.
  • Background Color: You can change the background color from here if you want.
  • Plus Minus Button:
    • Icon Size: Select the size of the plus-minus button.
    • Color and Background: Change the color and background color for both the normal and hover view.
  • Buttons Padding: Provide a padding value around the button.
  • Input Padding: Give a padding value around the input field.
  • Border Type: you can choose the border type to be solid, dotted, doubled dashed, or none.
  • Width: Select the top, left, right, and bottom width of the border.
  • Color: Pick a color for the border.
  • Border-radius: Put the top, right, bottom, and left values for the radius.
  • Wrap margin: Provide a top, right, left, and bottom value for the margin.

Expand Variations to edit the following style options:

variations style settings
  • Alignment: You can choose the alignment to be left, right, or center.
  • Label/ Description/ Price: Change the tabs and edit the typography, color, display style of label, description, and price.
  • Label Width:  Select the width of the label in pixels here.
  • Variation Item Margin (px): Select the margin between variation items here.
  • Variation Wrap Margin: Provide the top, left, right, and bottom values for variation wrap margin.
  • Variation Dropdown: Chose the dropdown color here.
  • Border Type: you can choose the border type to be solid, dotted, doubled dashed, or none.
  • Width: Select the top, left, right, and bottom width of the border.
  • Color: Pick a color for the border.
  • Border-radius: Put the top, right, bottom, and left values for the radius.

Expand Variation Swatches to edit the following style options related to variation swatches:

variation swatches style settings
  • Color/Image/Label: Switch to each tab to set the swatch width, swatch height, and border radius for color, image, and label.
  • Border type: can choose the border type to be solid, dotted, doubled dashed, or none.
  • Width: Select the top, left, right, and bottom width of the border.
  • Color: Pick a color for the border.
  • Selected Border color: Choose a border color for the selected items.

Expand Wishlist to edit the following style options related to wishlists:

Wishlist style settings of add to cart widget
  • Icon size: Select the icon size for the wishlist.
  • Normal/Hover: Choose the color and background color for both the normal and hover view.
  • Border type: can choose the border type to be solid, dotted, doubled dashed, or none.
  • Width: Select the top, left, right, and bottom width of the border.
  • Color: Pick a color for the border.
  • Border-radius: Put the top, right, bottom, and left values for the radius.
  • Padding: Adjust the top, left, right, and bottom padding.
  • Margin: Give a margin to the top, left, right, and bottom if you want.

Click on Update to save all the changes you made.

Here is a Preview of Add to Cart widget:

Preview Add to Cart widget
What are your feelings
Updated on February 17, 2022