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Facebook Review

Getting Started #

Showcase your Facebook reviews directly on your website. Leverage Facebook reviews as a powerful social proof and shows them on your website with our Facebook Review Widget. Here’s a comprehensive article to explain every method in detail.

Watch our video guide:

Or, just follow the step-by-step process:

Step=> 1: Adding Facebook Review #

  • Go to ElementsKit=> go to Elements=> Make sure to turn on Facebook Review=> Click on Save.
  • Now go to User Data=> Facebook Page Review=> Click on Get Access Token.
  • Click on Continue.
  • Now Copy the Page ID and Access Token.
  • Paste Your Page Id and Access Token=> Save Changes.

Step=> 2: Add Facebook Review Widget to Page #

  • Search for Facebook Review.
  • Drag the widget.
  • Drop on the selected area.

Step=> 3: Customize Overview Layout #

  • Select your layout type Overview from the drop-down.
  • Showing Overview Layout.
  • Enable Right Logo.
  • Showing Logo on the Top Right.

Step=> 4: Customize With Reviews Layout #

  • Select With Reviews.
  • Select Only Positive.
  • Showing the exact layout with positive reviews only.
  • Select Bubble Card from the drop-down.
  • Showing Bubble Card.
  • Select your layout type Grid from the drop-down.
  • Showing Grid Layout.
  • Choose Column Count: 4 columns.
  • Control Gutter Size=> Ex: 86.
  • You can see reviews in 4 columns with exact spacing.
  • Choose Layout: Masonry.
  • You can see your selected style appeared accordingly.
  • Choose Card Appearance: List.
  • You can see Reviews showing in the listing style.
  • Enable Overview.
  • Enable Thumbnail Badge.
  • Enable Top Right Logo.
  • You can see the overview section.
  • Showing badge on the thumbnail.
  • Showing Facebook Logo on the Top Right.

Step=> 4: Customize Slideshow Layout #

  • Choose Layout: Slideshow.
  • Select Review Type: Both.
  • Select Card Type: Box Card.
  • Showing the slideshow layout.
  • Showing box card with both positive & negative reviews.
  • Enable Overview.
  • Enable Thumbnail Badge.
  • Enable Content Center.
  • You can see the overview that appeared on the top.
  • Showing badge on the thumbnail.
  • You can see the content appeared on the center.
  • Enable Thumbnail Left.
  • Enable Stars Inline.
  • Enable Bottom Posted On.
  • Showing Thumbnail on the Left Side.
  • You can see the stars showing inline.
  • The posted content appears at the bottom of the box.
  • Enable name at the bottom.
  • Enable Top Right Logo.
  • Showing Logo on Top Right and Name at the Bottom.
  • Control Spacing: Adjust the spacing between the reviews from left to right.
  • Add Slide To Show: How many reviews will display per slide. For Ex-> Showing 3 reviews per slide.
  • Control Slides Per Scroll: How many reviews will be dispatched after every sliding.
  • Adjust Speed Per Scroll: How much time it will take per sliding.
  • You can see the exact space showing in the 3 columns.
  • Enable Autoplay: Slide reviews will automatically play one after another or back-to-back.
  • Enable to Show Arrow: Allow your site visitors to move through the slides by clicking them.
  • Enable to Show Dots: Indicate how many images are in the slider and also to use as a navigation.
  • Enable to Pause Slide on Hover: Pauses the slide when the mouse pointer enters the box.
  • Upload Left & Right Arrow: You can upload your left & right arrows from here.
  • You can see the left & right arrow appeared with dots.
What are your feelings
Updated on February 15, 2022