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Facebook Messenger

Watch our video guide:

Or, follow the step by step instructions:

Getting Started #

Step=>1: #

  • Go to Elementskit=> Modules=> Make sure that your Facebook Messenger is Active=> Save

Step=>2: #

Make your domain whitelisted

  • Go to User Data=> Copy the domain=> Click on how

Step=>3: #

  • Now go to your Facebook Page> Click on settings=> Advanced messaging=> Paste your domain=> Save

Step=>4: #

Get Page ID

  • Copy the Facebook Page ID from the top

Step=>5: #

Now go to User Data=> Paste the Page ID=> Change the color of messenger if you want=> Edit Login Message=> Edit Logout Message=> Save

Screenshot at January 13th 2021 - 2.57.47 pm@1.25x.png

Site View #

  • Now go to your page and you will see your Facebook Messenger is working perfectly
What are your feelings
Updated on February 15, 2022