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Create Post with MetForm

Get Started #

By using Metform you can create any kind of Post. Create a new post on your WordPress site through form entries. You will get the Metform Submitted Data in your Post and it will create a New Post after each submission automatically. Choose any Custom Post Type, Select Author, Title, Content, Featured Image, Add a new custom field from our settings. You can select your form field for each category from the drop-down.

These following steps below described how to create any kind of post using MetForm:

Create Form #

Step=>1: Go to Dashboard=> Pages=> Add new=>

  • Add Page Title
  • Select Template Elementor Canvas
  • Click on Publish
  • Edit with Elementor
  • Step=>2: Search For Metform=> Drag and Drop
  • Step=>3: Click the button to edit the form
Click the button to edit the form
  • Step=>4: Or you can select New=> Enter your Form Name=> Click on Edit Form


  • Drag & Drop your desired input form fields
  • Click on Form Settings

Set Form Field with MetForm #


  • Go to the post tab
  • Select any custom post type available in WordPress from the Drop-Down. For Ex: Post
  • Step=>2: Choose your Post Author Name (WordPress author name will appear here) from the Drop-Down. For Ex: Tanjana

Step=>3: Choose your Title Type (Your created form input field will appear here) from the Drop-Down. For Ex: Text

Step=>4: Choose your Content Type (Your created form input field will appear here) from the Drop-Down. For Ex: Textarea

Step=>5: Choose your Featured Image Type (Your created form input field will appear here) from the Drop-Down. For Ex: File Upload

Step=>6: Add any Custom Field from here

  • Add Custom Field Name
  • Choose your Custom Field Type(Your created form input field will appear here) from the Drop-Down. For Ex: Price

Site View #

Step=>1: Now go to the site=> Fill the form=> Click on Submit Button

Step=>2: You can see your Post is automatically created=> Click on Edit


  1. Showing the Text Title Details you have provided when filled the form
  2. Showing the Text Area details you have given
  3. Appear the Feature Image you have uploaded
  4. New Custom Name appeared
  5. Showing the new custom Price Input Field data
What are your feelings
Updated on June 6, 2023