Go to MetForm=> Settings=> Google Sheet Integration=> Here you’ll require Google Client ID and Google Client Secret. If you’re not familiarized with it, go ahead and click on the create form here link.

Create a google developer project

Put your project name then press the create button.

After creating a project you might need to wait for a few seconds to receive a notification then select the project you created from the notification panel. Click on the project on the notification bar.

Go to APIs Overview

- Go to OAuth consent screen page
- Select user type external
- Press create button

Provide your App information, see the image below –

Now, you have to add App domain. If your site is on the live server then you need to authorize the domain. An authorized domain does not allow subdomain names and any protocol. However, you can use this Google project for websites created with your subdomain. For localhost, you do not need to authorize the domain.
Next, save and continue.

- From the OAuth consent screen
- Click Add users
- Write your email address and save it

Click back to dashboard button

Click publish app button and go to the credentials page. If your website is on localhost then you don’t need to click to publish app button. Just go to the credentials page.
- Go to Credentials
- Create credentials
- Select OAuth client ID

The select application type is a web application, fill the name input field

You can now check your Client’s ID, it is added to the Credentials

Now you will get the client ID and client secret.

In this step, you need to add an authorized redirect URI. You will get the redirect URI inside your MetForm’ s Google Sheet Integration settings.

Next, move to Credentials again > find Authorized redirect URIs > Add URI that you have just copied from Metform’s Google Sheet Integration settings)

Just copy the credentials, paste them inside the MetForm dashboard and save changes.

Now, move to Library from APIs & Services

Here, you have to enable Google Sheets API

Similarly, you have to find Google drive API and enable it

Go to your MetForm dashboard and click Generate Access Token link.

Log in to your Gmail account and press the continue link. After, login, it will say Google has not verified this app. Don’t worry and just click Continue.

Note: You need to turn on the Google sheet integration option to use the form in your Google Sheet.
To do so, from the dashboard > Go to Metform > Forms > Click on Edit option of the form you want to add to sheet > Go to Form Settings > Integration > Turn on Google Sheet option
Finally, you can see the two fields called Spreadsheets List and Spreadsheets list. If you refresh the Spreadsheets List option, it will show you all your sheets from drive.