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Stripe Payment Set Up

Stripe payment is a simple method to do your payments all in real-time and much more. MetForm has brought this famous method to target all your customers easily. So, add stripe to WordPress and enjoy more conversion.

Now, check out the documentation and add the demanded stripe payment gateway in just a few steps.

Add Stripe to WordPress- MetForm #

Get Started #

Choose your payment gateway like Stripe with Payment Method input field and make users payment policy easy.

Step=>1: Navigation- Your Dashboard Form Settings → Payment

  • There are Dynamic currency options. The Dynamic currency feature allows people to make payments on your site via Stripe.
  • Enable the Stripe option
  • Click on Configure Stripe Payment
Add stripe to WordPress easily with the help of MetForm.

Step=>2: It Will move to MetForm=> Settings page

  • Click On Payment=> Stripe
  • Enable Stripe sandbox
  • Click on the Selected Link to provide Test secret key and Test publishable key
Stripe creates customer with payment method that is very simple to follow.

Get The Test secret key and Test publishable key #

To get Test secret key and Test publishable key Go to URL : https://dashboard.stripe.com/login

Step->1: Create a Stripe Business account

  • Log in with your created Stripe Email and Password

Step->2: Access your Stripe dashboard, then navigate to Developers-> API keys

Step->3: Provide Publishable Key-> Provide Secret Key-> Save Changes

Create a form=> Open a Form in the Editor=> Search for Payment method=> Drop the Input Field

  • Drop the Text Field and Submit Button
  • Now Copy the Selected Name: Mf-Text
Stripe creates customer with payment method simply with MetForm.
  • Paste it to Integrate Field
  • Select Your Payment Method Stripe
Stripe is a popular payment method.

Provide Amount and Click On the Submit Button

Get a famous stripe payment method on your WordPress site to target more audiences.
  • Provide Stripe Email
  • Card No
  • CVC
  • Date
  • Click on the Pay button. Here, you will see the amount based on the currency you set earlier.
For any size of online business you can use stripe payment gateway.

Provide Your Details like the form below and click Pay.

Stripe payment gateway is a popular name today.

You can see the transaction appeared in the Stripe Dashboard Payment Section

You can also View it from the Admin Panel: Metform=> Entries

Stripe creates customer with payment method that is simple to follow. And, you have learned how effortless it is to add with MetForm. So, start designing your payment gateway now.

What are your feelings
Updated on July 4, 2022