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Unique Email Control

Unique Email Control in a plugin is necessary to ensure that each user or customer has a unique and valid email address. This helps prevent duplicate accounts and also improves data accuracy.

MetForm has launched a feature collect unique emails for you. Let’s discuss how it works.

How Does Unique Email Control Work #

From your dashboard, go to Metform. You can open a new form or an existing form and edit it with Elementor.

Create forms with MetForm

From the Content section -> Go to Settings -> Click the Email field -> Find Unique Email -> Turn it ON

Enabling unique email control

Next, Turn the Required? field ON. It confirms that a unique email is required to submit the form.

Make unique email control required

Now, save the changes and check it form the front end.

You are done ✌️

Collect unique emails with Metform easily

Now customize your form with Metform’s unique email control feature and enhance the overall user experience.

What are your feelings
Updated on January 28, 2024