Getting Started #
Customizing the response message is a pro feature of MetForm. This message is displayed after a user fills out a form.
It confirms the users whether their message has been successfully submitted or not. Either way, creating such a response message is quite easy for the MetForm pro users.
Here we will show you the procedure of editing the response message.
Opening a Form #
Follow the procedure below to open a form where you’ll add the response message.
- Login to the WordPress admin panel and create a new page.
- Open the page with the Elementor editor.
- Search for MetForm on the Elementor search panel and drag and drop the icon on the page.
- Click on the Edit Form button located on the left panel.
- Now, select an existing form or click the New button to create a new form.
- Add the required field and click on the UPDATE & CLOSE button.
To get a clear overview of creating a new form and adding the required field, follow the video guideline below –
Editing the Response Message #
The MetForm pro users can customize the response message text, appearance, and other stylings. Here’s the step-by-step procedure of editing the response message.
Editing the Response Message Text #
To customize the text, follow the procedure below:
- Browse the page or post that contains the form.
- Click on the Edit Form button and choose the form.
- Choose your form from the drop-down and click on the blue Edit Form button.
- Now, click on the FORM SETTINGS option in the upper left corner.
- Edit the Success Message input field and click on the Save Changes button.
- Lastly, click on the UPDATE & CLOSE button.
Now, look at the visual presentation of this entire procedure-
Additional Customization Settings of the Response Message #
Proceed to the page or post that contains the form and toggle the Edit Response Message button. It will show you the additional settings on your
- Click the Message Position option to determine whether you want to show the message on the top or bottom section.
- Choose the icon position by clicking on the Icon Position select the position.
- To choose the alignment, click on the Content Alignment section and choose one right alignment.
- Input the message visibility time on the input box titled as Keep Message for. Input how many seconds you want to keep the response message visible after submitting the form.
Adding Styling to the Response Message #
The STYLE tab is located under the Edit Response Message section. MetForm pro users can customize different styles of the response message from this section.
The available customization features on this section are –
- Icon Size
- Container Width
- Typography
- Success Message Color
- Error Message Color
- Success Icon Color
- Error Icon Color
- Success Message Background Color
- Error Message Background Color
In the following part, you will get the additional style customization settings regarding border type, margin, and padding. Here is the full list of available customization features –
- Border Type
- Border Radius
- Container Padding
- Icon Margin
- Container Margin
The available border types are solid, double, dotted, dashed, and groove. And you can edit the margin and padding section by following the common CSS units like pixel, percentage, and EM unit.
Point to be noted: This response message editing feature is available only for the pro license users and it doesn’t work while using a form via shortcode.
Additional Feature
On the bottom section, you might have already noticed another amazing feature called “Enable Multistep”. By enabling this feature you can create forms with multiple steps.
Here’s the video guideline about creating a multistep form using MetForm 👇