Savings So Good, It’s Scary!



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Price Menu

The purpose of the Price Menu block in WordPress is to display product or service prices in a clear and organized way. With GutenKit Price Menu block you can make beautiful menus in a table format.

Check the documentation and learn to use the GutenKit Price Menu block.

How can you use Price Menu block? #

Access to your WordPress dashboard –

  • Find Pages/Posts > Add New Page/Post or start editing an existing page with the block editor.
  • Look for the “+” icon at the right side or top of the editor screen. Click it.
  • A block menu will appear, search for “Price Menu”.
  • When you see it, click it or drag & drop it on the block editor screen.
GutenKit Price Menu block.

Editing Content Part #

Settings – This option offers the following controls –

  • Choose Media: To set the media, you can choose an icon or set a image, or choose to not keep any media.
  • Select Style: You can display the price menu as a List or as a Card.
  • Price Position: Choose between Right and Bottom to set the price position.
  • Show Price Separator: You can show a separator for the price.
  • Show Items Separator: Between each items you can show separator by enabling the button.
  • Use Button: If you want, you can button to the price menu. After enabling the button, you’ll get these options –
    • Button Text: You can write button text in the field.
    • Add Icon In Button: This option lets you add a button with your button. If you enable this option, then you can also choose icon from the list and adjust its position.
Editing content section of GutenKit Price Menu block.

Edit Content of Single Items #

For each item on the price menu, you can customize the content section separately. It will show you a General option. Under this option, you can insert Title Link or if you have enabled Button, then you can insertButton Link.

Style #

Depending on the customization options of the content section, you will get all the necessary styling options here.

  • Item: To design the items, you can adjust vertical align, space between, separator, padding, border radius, background type, etc.
  •  Content: Here, you can control the padding, and then set color, typography, margin, etc. for the title, description, and price.
  •  Button: To style the buttons you can change the typography, border, box shadow, and other related things from here.
  •  Button Icon: To design the button icons consider changing color, icon size, spacing, etc. from here.

Edit Content of Single Items #

For a single item, you will get the following styling options –

  • Layout: To style this part, you have to change the margin, padding, and width.
  •  Background: You can decorate the background with different colors and images, and keep it at normal or hover state.
  •  Border: Here, the options are – Border style and color, border radius, and box-shadow.
  •  Glass Morphism: To give a frosted glass effect to your price menu, you can use this option and create an eye-catching price menu.

Isn’t it a simple process? To enhance clarity and user experience you must try the block today.

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Updated on March 25, 2024