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Advanced Image

With the GutenKit Advanced Image block you can insert images into various posts and pages with more control and flexibility.

Read out the documentation and learn to use the GutenKit Advanced Image block.

How can you use Advanced Image block? #

Access to your WordPress dashboard –

  • Find Pages/Posts > Add New Page/Post or start editing an existing page with the block editor.
  • Look for the “+” icon at the right side or top of the editor screen. Click it.
  • A block menu will appear, search for “Advanced Image”.
  • When you see it, click it or drag & drop it on the block editor screen.

Choose image, control size, caption type, alignment, set url type

Editing content part #

  • Choose Image: From here, you can choose image of your choice.
  • Alignment: It allows you to adjust alignment of the image.
  • Caption: Here, you can set the image caption. The options are – Attachment caption, Custom caption, and you can set no caption if you want.
  • Link: The choices are – Media file and Custom URL.
    Media file: It lets you adjust Lightbox option, ‘Yes/No’. A lightbox provides a more focused and immersive viewing experience for the media file. Again, if you select Custom.
    Custom URL: You can insert your desired URL with the image.

Style #

Image – To style the image, you will get all the essential options here including Width, Max width, Height, and Opacity controlling bars, you can also change Border, Box shadow, etc.

Caption – Here you can design the caption by adjusting Alignment, Color, Background, Typography, Text Shadow, and Spacing.

Final output #

We have prepared an example for you –

Advanced image made with GutenKit

The steps are simple yet the output is amazing. Try now!

What are your feelings
Updated on March 13, 2024