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Mega Menu

Create multi-dimensional WordPress mega menus with vertical and horizontal dropdowns. Build beautiful menu layouts in submenu and dropdowns with containers, carousels, tabs & more, and provide a smoother browsing experience with better navigation in WordPress Mega Menu.

Prerequisite:  #

To use the breadcrumb block in Gutenberg, you need to have both GutenKit Lite and GutenKit Pro plugins installed on your WordPress site.

  1. GutenKit (Free Version): Download Plugin
  2. GutenKit Pro: Get The Plugin

How To Create WordPress Mega Menu in Gutenberg #

⚠️ Mega Menu is a premium extension for the GutenKit Nav Menu block. So you need to have Nav Menu enabled.

Therefore, create a Nav Menu first in your WordPress blocks editor.

💡 Learn How to Create WordPress Nav Menu using GutenKit

Step 1: Add SubMenu #

To add a Mega menu, 

  1. Enable the SubMenu for the Nav Menu.
  2. Select submenu type to Mega Menu 

Alternatively, click on the add Mega Menu button in the block toolbar to enable the mega menu as the submenu.

Step 2: Design Mega Menu with any blocks #

You can add any block as the menu item in the mega menu. With the GutenKit Mega Menu block, you can design a menu with images, maps, accordions, forms, pricing tables, or any Gutenberg blocks in the sub-menu.

Here we have added the Advanced Tab as menu item in the Mega menu.

Step 3: Customize WordPress Mega Menu Styles #

Now you can customize the appearance of the WordPress mega menu using GutenKit. You can tailor menu width and menu position.

Select the Menu width to the following:

  • Full Width
  • Inline
  • Custom

For Custom width, you can adjust the menu width manually.

Menu Position From: Left or Right

You can set the menu position from left or the right. 

Position From: Left

Position From: Right

Don’t feel like reading? Check out this video tutorial instead! 👇

Like the Mega Menu block, GutenKit comes with tons of advanced features for block editor that bring the page builder features into your website built with Gutenberg.

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Updated on June 25, 2024