
Let’s introduce some of MetForm hooks. Using these hooks, you can extend and modify the MetForm functionality and integrate them with different third-party services and plugins.

metform/before_load: The hook is executed before the main functionality of the MetForm plugin starts. This helps developers perform some actions before the Metform plugin starts its normal loading process.

metform/after_load: This hook fires once the MetForm plugin is launched completely. It supports you in leveraging or modifying the MetForm functionalities and setting custom integration or action. 

metform_before_store_form_data: This hook is triggered in the last step of the form submission process. Once users submit data this hook allows developers to do additional checks like sanitization of submitter inputs, formatting data, and matching criteria. Plus, you can perform custom actions like sending notifications, defining data storage areas, and integrating third-party services.

metform_after_store_form_data: Once the MetForm submitted data is successfully saved, this hook activates to extend the submission process beyond just storing the data. It helps developers automate workflow, log data, and integrate with other project management tools and plugins.

met_form_email_verification:  The purpose of this hook is to implement an advanced email verification process within the MetForm. Hence, it triggers during the email verification process. Developers can apply custom verification logic, add a permitted domain list, and maintain third-party integration with this hook.

metform_after_entries_table_data: This hook is applied after the MetForm fetches the submitted data. Developers can view and manage entries. Further, they can give a preview of the submitted form to users by doing various custom actions like performing calculations, adding additional information, enhancing the functionalities, and many more.

metform_sms_integration_editor_markup: This hook is used to set up a customized SMS interface and integrate with new SMS providers. It empowers developers to improve user experience by including instructions and custom UI elements to create a seamless SMS function. 

metform_fluent_crm_editor_markup: This hook triggers the generalization of the editor markup of the FluentCRM. It ensures the smooth integration of the FluentCRM within the MetForm editor. Users will get all the customizing features of FluentCRM.

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Updated on August 27, 2024