How to Create an Event Registration Form In a Few Simple Steps

how to create an event registration form

Regardless of the type of event, it requires a smooth registration process for the audience. An easy-to-fill-up event registration form can increase the conversion rate. You can easily create an event registration form in WordPress using only Metform.

If you have never created a form before or don’t know how to create an event registration form, this article will help you.

Here I am going to show the detailed process of creating an online event registration form without coding.

How does an event registration form work?

Event registration can be done in two ways – offline and online. For online registration, the organizer creates an online form where the audience can give the necessary information and confirm his/her attendance. In the backend, the organizer gets the data. It helps the organizer to understand how many people are coming to the event. For offline events, the number of attendees will help you to estimate the venue size and other relevant information.

The event registration form may also have a payment option. It is common for paid events.

How to create a WordPress event registration form

To create an event sign-up form with WordPress, you will have to use any form builder. It is, however, difficult to do without the right plugin. Here we will show you how to create the form with the most flexible & design-friendly form builder plugin MetForm.

Step 1: Install the necessary plugins

You will have to install the following plugins –

  • Elementor
  • MetForm

Go to your WordPress dashboard and select plugins. Now choose ‘Add new’ and on the top right search box, search for Elementor. Install the plugin and activate it.

install elementor to create an event registration form

Now download MetForm. Go to the landing page of MetForm and choose the plan that suits your plan. Then Install the plugin and activate it to enjoy the most advanced features for WordPress forms.

metform- the most advanced form builder

Step 2: Create a new page

Go to the WordPress dashboard and hover to pages. Select ‘Add New’ and you will land on a new page. Now choose ‘Edit with Elementor’.

how to create a new page on WordPress

You will have to do the rest of the task on the Elementor dashboard.

Step 3: Add MetForm and Select the Template

On the Elementor widget library, search for MetForm. Drag and drop the widget on the page.

create an event registration form

Now click on the ‘Edit Form’ > Choose New. You will see all the available templates for forms.

how to create an event registration form

From the template list, choose ‘Event Form’ and hit the ‘Edit form’ button. You will see the form layout. Click on the ‘UPDATE & CLOSE’ button.

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Step 4: Customize the form

The default template will have several fields. You can keep the default fields or delete some and add new fields from the elements library.

To delete a field from the template, right-click on it and you will get the delete option. Hit that and delete that.

For instance, here you will see a field named ‘Dietary Requirements’. Maybe you don’t need this field. So, right-click on this field and delete this.

how to customize event registration form

If you want to add a new field in the form, browse the elements on the left side. Drag and drop the particular field on the form. For instance, if you want to add a number field where attendees can select a group of people for the event, simply drag and drop the number field on the page.

how to add a number field on form

Step 5: Customize Form Settings

Now the event registration form is created and you can change the settings for the form. To change any setting of the form, go to your WordPress dashboard > MetForm > Forms. Here you will see all the forms that you created with MetForm.

Select the form you have created for the event and you will see all the settings for the form. From there, choose the Notification setting.

You will see 8 different settings there. Here are the settings you will find –

all the settings of form builder MetForm
  • General: In the general settings, you can give a title for the form, set a success message, limit the number of entries, hide the form after submitting, and many more.
  • Confirmation: Here you can set email confirmation with a custom message for the audience.
  • Notification: If you want to get notified, set a notification for the admin here.
  • Integration: Here you can integrate third-party tools like Mailchimp, Aweber, GetResponse, Google sheet, and many more. 
  • Payment: Suppose you are organizing a paid event, you can integrate payment options in the form.
  • CRM: MetForm allows the integration of popular CRM HubSpot Contact, HubSpot Forms, Zoho Contact, Helpscout.
  • Author: Here you can set login credentials for the event registration.
  • Post: Create the form as a post.

Step 6: Set notifications and confirmation

Suppose you want to get notified when someone fills the registration form. In that case, you can simply set a notification from the MetForm settings.

Go to the form you have created and go to the settings. Now you will see the options I have mentioned earlier. Select Notification from the top. This will send a notification to the admin.

Select the email subject, email to, and email from for the notification. Here you can select the email addresses according to your preferences.

Similarly, you can send a confirmation email to the people who have registered for the event. For this, go to the form, select confirmation from the top.

Now select the subject line and email address from where you want to send the confirmation. Then select the registered email and thank you for the message. 

Step 7: Integrate third-party tools

If you want, you can integrate third-party tools like HubSpot, Zoho, Helpscout, Mailchimp, Google sheet, and more. You will get all these options at the top of the form. 

Step 8: Preview and launch the form

Finally, check the entire form that you created with MetForm. If it looks good, you can share it with your audience. The best part is, you can generate a shortcode for the form to integrate it anywhere on your website.

Wrap Up

Now that you have the complete guideline on how to create an event registration form, it shouldn’t be a big challenge anymore. Follow the steps I have shared here and the form will be ready. You can even design a multi-step form with Metform.

While creating the form, check all the settings and features of the form to explore new options. 


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