Using the best form builder MetForm, you can easily set WordPress forms email notifications. Just follow the steps we have shared here.
- Zum Einrichten Notification Emails, Erste Erstellen Sie ein Formular
So erstellen Sie ein Formular #
Folge dem Video-Screencast:
Or Follow the Step By Step Process
Schritt=>1: Gehe zu Armaturenbrett=> Seiten=> Neue hinzufügen=>
- Hinzufügen Seitentitel
- Vorlage auswählen Elementor-Leinwand
- Klicke auf Veröffentlichen
- Bearbeiten mit Elementor
- Schritt=>2: Suchen nach Metform=> Drag-and-Drop
- Schritt=>3: Klicken Sie auf das ausgewählte Symbol
- Schritt=>4: Select the form option from the previously created form
- Oder Sie können auswählen Neu=> Geben Sie Ihre ein Formularname=> Klicken Sie auf Formular bearbeiten
- Der Erstelltes Formular erscheint => Klicken Sie auf Formulareinstellung
Formulareinstellung #
Gehe zu Formulareinstellung=> Notification Email
Notification Email #
You can send a submission copy to the admin by email. You can also set different WordPress forms email notifications for separate Forms.
- Follow the video Screen-cast
Or follow the step-by-step Process
Schritt=>1: Navigieren Sie zu Form Settings → Notifications
- Toggle the Notification mail to admin Möglichkeit: Notify admin after user submission is completed or any type of customer data is processed.
- E-Mail Betreff: Provide the subject of the email.
- E-Mail an: Enter the admin email where you want to send mail. For multiple email addresses please use “,” separator.
- E-Mail von: Enter the email by which you want to send an email to the admin.
- E-Mail-Antwort an: Enter an email where the admin can reply or you want to get a reply.
- Administratorhinweis: Enter here your email body, which will send to the admin.
- Speichern Sie die Änderungen.
Conditional Admin Email Routing #
One new feature of MetForm is dynamic and conditional admin settings for your email form. You can set conditional admin email routing that allows you to send the form to a different email address based on the selections made on the form. Get tags from different widgets like dropdowns, checkboxes, buttons, text widgets, etc, and assign these tags to “E-Mail an” fields to send forms to the right team automatically.
For instance, all purchase-related forms should be directed to the sales team, while forms related to technical issues should be sent to the support team.