The Product Review widget is intended to be used on a single product page.
If you want to customize the Product Review styles, you can use ShopEngine’s Product Review widget.
Activate Product Review Widget #
Fra WordPress admin dashboard, gå til ShopEngine > Widgets. From the list of single-page widgets, turn the Product Review widget PÅ.

Use the Product Review Widget #
Search for the Product Review Widget under the ELEMENTER tab of Elementor.

Drag and drop the Product Review widget from Elementor onto the single product page.

Tilpas produktanmeldelseswidgetten #
The Product Review widget for Elementor will let you customize the Heading, Review Style, Review Form, Submit Button, and Global Font from the style settings tab.
Overskrift: Change the heading color, heading typography, and heading margin (for desktop, tablet, and mobile).

Review Style: Select the rating color, date, author, and description color. comment separator color, author typography, date typography, description typography, and single review spacing in px.

Review Form: Choose the review form’s input label color, required color, and typography.

Also set the form input color, border color, focus border color, typography, field spacing, input border-radius, and input padding.

Indsend knap: Choose the submit button’s typography, alignment, normal and hover color, background, border type, width, border radius, and padding.

Global skrifttype: Set the global font family for the product review widget