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Paradise doesn’t have to be tropical

It’s fun and easy to learn how to snowboard. In this video series, professional snowboard instructor Chris Rogers walks through the basics of snowboarding for beginners.

Chris explains how to go snowboarding for the first time. The series starts with the things you need to know about your gear and ends with stringing together turns on the hill. Be sure to watch all the videos and share them on your social channels and tag people you know who want to learn to snowboard

Determine your “stance.”

So let’s get started! Making sure your boots fit properly is one of the most important things to master as a beginner snowboarder. When trying on boots, only wear one pair of socks and make sure there is nothing else in the boot.

We often see beginners who wear multiple pairs of socks to stay warm, but this is unnecessary. Modern snowboard boots are designed to keep your feet warm and comfortable with just one pair of socks. Also, make sure your heel is in the very back of the boot to ensure a snug fit. If you are unsure if your boot is on properly, ask your snowboard instructor or rental shop employee to help.

When it comes time to try on your snowboard, the first thing you will need to do is determine your “stance.” Your stance is the direction you face while sliding downhill. There are two snowboard stances, regular and goofy.

A regular stance means that your left foot is forward, while a goofy stance means that your right foot it forward. There is no correct snowboard stance, it is all about what feels good to you.

Turn and Ride a Chairlift

When you’re not going downhill, it is most common to get around with your front foot strapped in and your back foot pushing you forward. This is called skating and it is how snowboarders get onto chairlifts and how they move around on flat surfaces.

But unlike skateboarding, the back foot typically pushes with your rear foot behind your heel side edge. The above video goes into more detail about how to skate and glide on snow.

Balance Fundamentals

Basic balance fundamentals will help you get better at snowboarding faster. Here are some basic balance fundamentals:

To practice the two-footed hop, flex your ankles and knees and jump straight up. Flex again as you come down and think about a soft landing.

With an ollie, move your weight toward your back foot and then pop off the tail like a spring. You can this with your front foot and spring off the nose, this is called an ollie. Again, think about landing softly with both feet.



Paradise doesn’t have to be tropical

It’s fun and easy to learn how to snowboard. In this video series, professional snowboard instructor Chris Rogers walks through the basics of snowboarding for beginners.

Chris explains how to go snowboarding for the first time. The series starts with the things you need to know about your gear and ends with stringing together turns on the hill. Be sure to watch all the videos and share them on your social channels and tag people you know who want to learn to snowboard

Determine your “stance.”

So let’s get started! Making sure your boots fit properly is one of the most important things to master as a beginner snowboarder. When trying on boots, only wear one pair of socks and make sure there is nothing else in the boot.

We often see beginners who wear multiple pairs of socks to stay warm, but this is unnecessary. Modern snowboard boots are designed to keep your feet warm and comfortable with just one pair of socks. Also, make sure your heel is in the very back of the boot to ensure a snug fit. If you are unsure if your boot is on properly, ask your snowboard instructor or rental shop employee to help.

When it comes time to try on your snowboard, the first thing you will need to do is determine your “stance.” Your stance is the direction you face while sliding downhill. There are two snowboard stances, regular and goofy.

A regular stance means that your left foot is forward, while a goofy stance means that your right foot it forward. There is no correct snowboard stance, it is all about what feels good to you.

Turn and Ride a Chairlift

When you’re not going downhill, it is most common to get around with your front foot strapped in and your back foot pushing you forward. This is called skating and it is how snowboarders get onto chairlifts and how they move around on flat surfaces.

But unlike skateboarding, the back foot typically pushes with your rear foot behind your heel side edge. The above video goes into more detail about how to skate and glide on snow.

Balance Fundamentals

Basic balance fundamentals will help you get better at snowboarding faster. Here are some basic balance fundamentals:

To practice the two-footed hop, flex your ankles and knees and jump straight up. Flex again as you come down and think about a soft landing.

With an ollie, move your weight toward your back foot and then pop off the tail like a spring. You can this with your front foot and spring off the nose, this is called an ollie. Again, think about landing softly with both feet.

It’s fun and easy to learn how to snowboard. In this video series, professional snowboard instructor Chris Rogers walks through the basics of snowboarding for beginners.

Chris explains how to go snowboarding for the first time. The series starts with the things you need to know about your gear and ends with stringing together turns on the hill. Be sure to watch all the videos and share them on your social channels and tag people you know who want to learn to snowboard to be a part of British Columbia.

Determine your “stance.”

So let’s get started! Making sure your boots fit properly is one of the most important things to master as a beginner snowboarder. When trying on boots, only wear one pair of socks and make sure there is nothing else in the boot.

We often see beginners who wear multiple pairs of socks to stay warm, but this is unnecessary. Modern snowboard boots are designed to keep your feet warm and comfortable with just one pair of socks. Also, make sure your heel is in the very back of the boot to ensure a snug fit. If you are unsure if your boot is on properly, ask your snowboard instructor or rental shop employee to help.

When it comes time to try on your snowboard, the first thing you will need to do is determine your “stance.” Your stance is the direction you face while sliding downhill. There are two snowboard stances, regular and goofy.

A regular stance means that your left foot is forward, while a goofy stance means that your right foot it forward. There is no correct snowboard stance, it is all about what feels good to you.

Turn and Ride a Chairlift

When you’re not going downhill, it is most common to get around with your front foot strapped in and your back foot pushing you forward. This is called skating and it is how snowboarders get onto chairlifts and how they move around on flat surfaces.

But unlike skateboarding, the back foot typically pushes with your rear foot behind your heel side edge. The above video goes into more detail about how to skate and glide on snow.

Balance Fundamentals

Basic balance fundamentals will help you get better at snowboarding faster. Here are some basic balance fundamentals:

To practice the two-footed hop, flex your ankles and knees and jump straight up. Flex again as you come down and think about a soft landing.

With an ollie, move your weight toward your back foot and then pop off the tail like a spring. You can this with your front foot and spring off the nose, this is called an ollie. Again, think about landing softly with both feet.