One Page, Endless Possibilities

One Page Scroll Effect
for Gutenberg


Animation Options

Custom Tooltip

Capture Your Audience
With Single-page Storytelling

Customize navigation, tooltips, scroll speed, and animations with ease.

Dot Navigation

Enable dot navigation for easy access to different sections of the page.

Tooltip Customization

Add and customize tooltips with options for typography, color, and more.

Section-Specific Scroll

Disable One Page Scroll for specific sections to enhance content interaction.

Style & Position

Customize the WP one page navigation style and position for optimal usability.

Animation Options

Choose from different animations like Linear, Ease In Back, and Ease Out Expo.

Scroll Speed

Adjust the WordPress scroll speed for a smooth and tailored user experience.

Choose a Style &
Show it Off to Your Visitors

Check the Different Styles Out & Pick the One You Love

One Page Scroll – V1

One Page Scroll – V2
