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Mega Menu Builder for Gutenberg

GutenKit Mega Menu Builder for Gutenberg
Introducing Mega Menu in Gutenberg

Smoother Browsing with A Better Navigation Menu

Horizontal and Vertical Menu

Design Dropdown Menu with Two-dimensional Layouts

Asked Questions

You can create WordPress mega menu using the GutenKit Nav Menu block. When you add a submenu to the nav menu, you use the mega menu features in your Gutenberg editor.

Yes, with GutenKit you can design responsive mega menu that loads seamlessly on smaller devices like mobile or tablets.

You can add any blocks in the mega menu to show any items and styles you want. You can display maps, pricing tables, accordions, tabs, flipbox, carousels, containers, and so on.

You can add and display images in the GutenKit mega menu using image blocks. You can use simple images or add image box, image accordions, and images with hover effect.

GutenKit efficiently loads the CSS and JavaScript codes only for the elements in use to reduce the loading delay. Also, inline SVG icons can help to improve website performance. Moreover, GutenKit is a lightweight plugin with cleaner codes that helps you to build faster-loading web pages.

Our friendly and efficient support team is 24/7 available to listen to you. Contact our support team whenever you need help or report a bug.

We are continuously updating the plugin by adding new blocks, templates, and advanced features. More importantly, we are focused on instantly fixing any bugs reported by the users or our QA team.

All our features and blocks are well documented. Check the documentation page to use GutenKit easily. Also, we regularly publish blogs to enrich your knowledge about WordPress block editor.

GutenKit is compatible with all themes as long as they maintain WordPress Theme Development Standards. Whether it’s a WordPress block theme or a conventional theme, you can seamlessly use GutenKit for your website.

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