The GutenKit Testimonial block allows you to display and style customer reviews with rich features for building trust and credibility. Now, you can also showcase real-life experiences and opinions from satisfied customers.
Read the documentation and learn to use GutenKit Testimonial block.
How can you use testimonial block? #
WordPress 대시보드에 액세스 –
- 찾다 페이지/게시물 > 새 페이지/게시물 추가 또는 블록 편집기를 사용하여 기존 페이지 편집을 시작하세요.
- “를 찾으세요.+” 아이콘은 에디터 화면 오른쪽이나 상단에 있습니다. 클릭하세요.
- 블록 메뉴가 나타나면 '를 검색하세요.증명서".
- 보이면 클릭하거나 블록 에디터 화면에 드래그 앤 드롭하세요.
컨텐츠 부분 편집 #
- 레이아웃 – There are various testimonial styles here, you can choose any.
- Testimonial – Here, you can add items based on your needs. When you expand an item, you can see more options of adding client name, designation, logo, image, inserting link, etc.
- Slider Settings – This option allows you to adjust spacing, slide to show and scroll, speed, control Autoplay, loop, and so on.
스타일 #
- 공들여 나열한 것 – You can decorate the testimonial layouts with column gap, border radius, wrapper padding, and padding.
- Wrapper Content Style – To style the content you can use vertical alignment, horizontal alignment, padding, and use fixed height.
- Review Title – The styling options are – Color, hover & active Color, typography, and margin.
- Review Description – You can change descriptions’ color, hover & active color, typography, and margin.
- Title Separator – It shows options for Normal and Hover. You can change, color, width, height, and margin.
- 고객 – Here, you will get all necessary options to style client name, designation, image, logo, etc.