If you want to display the business hours on the website, the GutenKit Business Hour block can be added to any page or post. It provides a variety of customization options to ensure that it fits the look and feel of your website.
See the documentation and learn how to use the GutenKit Business Hour block.
Adding GutenKit Business Hour Block to Your Site #
Go to your WordPress dashboard and follow the below steps:
- 새로운 페이지를 열거나 기존 페이지로 이동하세요.
- “를 찾으세요.+” 아이콘은 에디터 화면 오른쪽이나 상단에 있습니다. 클릭하세요.
- 클릭하면 블록 라이브러리가 열립니다.
- Search for the GutenKit Business Hour.
- 블록이 나타나면 편집기 화면에서 클릭하거나 끌어서 놓습니다.
콘텐츠 #
Day – Write the day name in the given box.
Time – Write time according to your plan.
Highlight This Day – You can highlight the day if you want. Also, there are options to 사용자 정의 day, time and background colors.
스타일 #
In this section, you can style items, day and time.
Item- When you expand it, you can adjust the margin, padding, background type, border radius, and border of the table . Also, there is an option to remove last child border.
Day- Here, you can change color, typography, background type of a day.
Time- Customize the color, margin, padding, etc. of your given time.
Here is an example –