Wpmet Flash Sale

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In the quick checkout module you can create an advanced, yet user-friendly pop-up checkout page for your customers.

By skipping the shopping cart page, you can optimize the checkout process. This may encourage buyers to shop more frequently and in less time.

This WooCommerce quick checkout simplifies the checkout process in just one click. In another word, the customer’s decision to buy is converted into a one-click process with direct checkout through a pop-up modal. It may also boost your sales by lowering cart abandonment. Have a look at how your shop will look with or without a quick checkout option:

Less Time, More Profit

Simplify the checkout process in just one click!

Simplify Checkout

This module can assist your costumes to checkout fast and shorten the action.

Less Abandon Carts

It guarantees you fewer abandoned carts, as visitors will buy items right away.

완전히 맞춤화 가능

This module has high customization possibilities if you want to edit anything.

Skip ‘Cart’ Button

Help your customers to skip the ‘add to cart’ button so that the checkout is easy.

Fast Pop-up Modal

With quick checkout, your visitor will go through a pop-up modal in just one click.

Faster Purchase

Quick checkout results in a rapid and effortless shopping experience on your site.

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931,239 times downloaded so far

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사트라프텍 (@satraptech)

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시력 장애 (@visureclic)

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최대1394 (@max1394)

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울프미디어디자인 (@woolfsmediadesign)

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wpdevar (@wpdevar)

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알렉스래시어 (@alexslasheurs)