Texto en movimiento

Dé atractivos efectos de animación a sus textos de WordPress y hágalos más interactivos con el Motion Text Widget.

verlo en acción

Revelar en la parte superior con

Revelar en la parte inferior

Revelar a la izquierda

Revelar a la derecha

gota de lluvia

Gota de lluvia basada en personajes


Iluminación Personaje Basado

Desvanecer hacia abajo

Jolt Zoom Basado en personajes


Ampliar basado en caracteres

Vence a Headig con

Batir basado en personajes


Fundido basado en personajes

Desvanecer a la izquierda

Fundido a la izquierda basado en caracteres

Fundido a la derecha

Fundido a la derecha basado en caracteres

Fade In Up

Fade In Up basado en personajes

Uno tras uno rotar hacia adentro

ElementsKit con One After One Rotate X In

Uno tras uno, girar Y hacia adentro

Fade In Down basado en personajes

preguntas frecuentes

Preguntas frecuentes

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ElementsKit Motion Text is an Elementor addon that transforms static text into engaging animated content on WordPress websites. It offers various animation styles including typing, fading, sliding, and rotating effects without requiring any coding knowledge - perfect for creating attention-grabbing headlines and call-to-action sections.

Install and activate ElementsKit, edit your page with Elementor, search for "Motion Text" in the ElementsKit widget section, and drag it onto your page. Choose your animation style, customize text content and settings, then save your changes. Your WordPress site will immediately display professional animated text.

ElementsKit Motion Text includes typing animations (simulating real-time typing), fade animations (smooth transitions between words), slide animations (text moving from different directions), and rotate animations (spinning text into view). Each animation can be customized with different timing, delays, and loop settings.

Yes. ElementsKit Motion Text provides complete control over animation speed. You can adjust duration, delay between words or letters, and pause time between animation cycles. This allows you to create precisely timed effects that match your website's pace and user experience goals.

Add the Motion Text widget to your page, select the "Reveal" animation type, customize the direction (left/right/top/bottom), adjust speed and timing, and set your text content. You can also apply styling options like background colors to enhance the reveal effect.

Yes. ElementsKit Motion Text works perfectly with the free version of Elementor. You don't need Elementor Pro to create animated text effects on your WordPress site. Simply install ElementsKit alongside your free Elementor installation for immediate access to the Motion Text widget.

ElementsKit Motion Text is optimized for performance with minimal impact on loading speed. The animations use lightweight JavaScript and CSS to ensure smooth performance. For best results, keep the number of animated elements reasonable and utilize the built-in settings to trigger animations only when elements are in view.

Meta: Create stunning motion text and animated text effects for your WordPress site with ElementsKit's Elementor addon. Easy-to-use motion text widget with multiple animation styles.