If you run a brand you must understand the importance of testimonials to add to your website today. Generally, a testimonial refers to a review of a brand’s service or product. Clients add this kind of statement based on the service quality, performance as well as experience. Collecting testimonials is a good way of brand marketing. There are both text and video testimonials out there.
하지만 how to create testimonials in WordPress? ElementsKit has some ultimate comprehensive modules that enhance the page builder with widgets and features. Today you will know how to add testimonials with the ElementsKit testimonial widget.
How to Create Testimonials in WordPress #
To create a testimonial in WordPress, you need to have the following plugin installed in your WordPress site:
필요한 플러그인:
Navigate: Dashboard > Page or Form > Add New > Edit with ElementsKit > Widgets >증명서
![Thinking about how to create testimonials in WordPress? add ElementsKit testimonial widget today.](https://wpmet.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Testimonial-1.gif)
1. Layout #
Choose any style from the layout options and start editing.
![A dedicated testimonial page attract clients easily.](https://help.wpmet.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Screenshot_28-4-1024x416.png)
2. Testimonial #
You can see the separator option here, set YES/NO according to your choice. Then using the testimonial section you add items. Each item will appear with serial numbers and you can expand an item by clicking it.
![A Testimonial page presents a positive brand image with the help of satisfied customers.](https://help.wpmet.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Screenshot_30-5-1024x412.png)
Click an item to edit the name, designation, and testimonial review. Here you have an option to set the rating accordingly and put a link if you have any. Also, you can upload a client’s image and a brand logo.
![ElementsKit testimonial widget is the most simple and well-designed widget.](https://wpmet.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Screenshot_31-4-1024x453-1.png)
당신이 원한다면 set another logo on hover then find the option just after the Logo. It allows you to set YES/NO and you can upload the logo.
![Make a testimonial page for your website to attract visitors with a positive image.](https://help.wpmet.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Screenshot_37-4-1024x567.png)
There is an option to change the background type and color. You can also set the background image and its position also.
![Many marketers ask How to create testimonials in WordPress? it is simple with ElementsKit testimonial widget.](https://help.wpmet.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Screenshot_36-5-1024x438.png)
There is an attachment option that consists of Default, Scroll or Fixed types.
The repeat option has four settings: Default, Repeat, Repeat-x, 그리고, Repeat-y.
Again if you want to change the image size, it is also possible. See the image below what options it has.
3. 설정 #
In this section, you will get several options to edit the form properly as well as according to your choice. The options include spacing, padding options, slide show options and, so on. Have a look at the image below for a clear idea.
이것 ElementsKit testimonial widget is an amazing tool to present customers’ reviews on your website. It is easy to operate and lets you easily attract new audiences.