재미있는 사실

ElementsKit Funfact widget lets you display fascinating facts in numbers with icons and customizable options.  

Read this documentation to learn how to use the Elementor Funfact widget of ElementsKit.

플러그인 필요: #

  1. 엘리멘터: 플러그인 다운로드.
  2. ElementsKit 라이트: 플러그인 다운로드.
  3. ElementsKit 프로: 플러그인 받기.

Step 1: Enable Funfact Widget #

Firstly, you need to enable the widget from the WordPress dashboard. To enable the Funfact widget:

  1. Navigate to ElementsKit > Widgets.
  2. 찾기 재미있는 사실 목록에서 위젯을 활성화합니다.
  3. Click on the SAVE CHANGES.

2단계: 위젯 드래그 앤 드롭 #

After that, drag and drop the ElementsKit Funfact widget into the Elementor editor.

Step 3: Customize Funfact widget #


Under the content tab, you can customize the icon.

  1. 아이콘 유형: Choose from the available options: Icon, Image, or None.
  2. 아이콘 추가: This option is available for icons.
  3. 상: Choose an icon if you choose “Icon”.
  4. 영상: Choose an image if you choose “image”
  5. 이미지 크기: Select the image size for the image.
customize icon in Elementor Funfact widget

Under the style tab, you can change the styles of the icon,

  1. 색상: Choose an icon color.
  2. BG Color: Choose a background color for the icon.
  3. 테두리 유형: Select the icon border type.
  4. 국경 반경: Adjust the border radius for the icon.
  5. 크기: 아이콘의 크기를 조정합니다.
  6. 여백 하단: The margin space to the bottom.
  7. : Adjust the padding around the icon.
  8. 회전: You can rotate the icon around 360 degrees.
  9. 상자 그림자: Add a box shadow style if you want.
change icon styles of Elementor Funfact widget

콘텐츠 #

Under the Content tab, you can customize the content,

  1. Number Prefix: Add a prefix before the number.
  2. Number: Add the number in this field.
  3. Number Suffix: Add a suffix before the number.
  4. 제목: Enter the title content in this field.
  5. Enable Super: You can enable the super option. And add a text or symbol in the Super 필드.
customize Funfact widget content

Under the Style tab, you can change the styles of the content,

  1. 조정: Set the alignment of the Funfact content.

Number Count:

  1. 숫자 색상: Choose a color for the number.
  2. 타이포그래피: Set the number typography.
  3. 간격: Space between the number and the title.
  4. Right Spacing: The space between the number and suffix.
Change styles of Number Count content of Funfact widget


  1. 간격: Adjust the bottom spacing for the title.
  2. 색상: Choose a title color.
  3. 타이포그래피: Set the title typography.
  4. 심: Adjust the padding for the content title.
  5. Content Margin: Adjust the margin around the content (number and title).
Change styles of title content of Funfact widget


If you enable super, you can customize its styles as well.

  1. 숫자 색상: Choose a color.
  2. 타이포그래피: Set typography.
  3. Top: Adjust the position.
  4. Horizontal Space: Adjust the space from the left.
  5. Vertical Position: Set the vertical position to the top, middle, or bottom.
Enable and customize the super character of Elementor Funfact widget

설정 #

Configure the settings for the Funfact widget.

  1. Choose Animation Style: Select an animation style from the given options: 공전 또는 Sliding.
  2. 애니메이션 지속 시간: Set the animation duration in milliseconds (ms).
  3. 아이콘 위치: Set the icon position to the Top, Left, or Right.
  4. 제목 HTML 태그: Select the title HTML tag.
Configure the settings for the Funfact widget
  1. Enable Hover Border Bottom: You can add a bottom border, that is responsive to the mouse hover.
    1. Hover Border Bottom Color: If Hover Border Bottom is enabled, you can choose a color.
    2. Hover Direction: Set the hover direction to the left or right.
  2. Enable Vertical Border: You can also add a Vertical border in the Funfact box.
    1. Border Direction: If enabled, select a border direction From Left or From Right.
Configure the settings for the Funfact widget

콘텐츠 티커 위젯과 마찬가지로 ElementsKit에는 수백 가지 Elementor용 고급 요소가 포함되어 있습니다. ElementsKit을 다운로드하고 해당 요소를 사용하여 다양한 기능을 갖춘 WordPress 웹사이트를 구축하세요.

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2024년 1월 28일 업데이트