
GutenKit Mailchimp is a bloc that you can create easy signup forms for engaging email campaigns. This block lets you include text, images, buttons, and other elements.

Check the documentation and learn to use the GutenKit Mailchimp block.

How can you use Price Mailchimp? #

Accédez à votre tableau de bord WordPress > Go to GutenKit > Modules > Find Mailchimp > Toggle the button to turn it ON


  • Trouver Pages/Messages > Ajouter une nouvelle page/Message ou commencez à modifier une page existante avec l'éditeur de blocs.
  • Cherchez le "+"Icône sur le côté droit ou en haut de l'écran de l'éditeur. Cliquez dessus.
  • Un menu de blocage apparaîtra, recherchez «MailChimp».
  • Lorsque vous le voyez, cliquez dessus ou faites-le glisser et déposez-le sur l'écran de l'éditeur de blocs.

Modification d'une partie du contenu #

Here, you’ll get to edit Form Fields and Button.

Lorsque vous expand Form Fields, you’ll notice a note instructing you to add an API key to run your email marketing campaign.

So, visit the Mailchimp site and login to your account.
Après cela,
1. Click on your profile

2. Go to Account & Billing

Find Extras and click on the API keys.

Suivant, click the Create API Key button to generate the API key.

Copy the generated API key

  1. Now, go to your WordPress dashboard
  2. Find GutenKit
  3. Paramètres
  4. API Integration
  5. MailChimp

The controls in the Form Fields are:

  • Items – Add items according to your needs, like First Name, Last Name, Email, etc.
  • Show Label – Displays a label name above the input field.
  • Required Mark – Indicates a mandatory field.
  • Double Opt-In – Requires confirmation email for signup.

The controls in the Button are:

  • Submit: Write anything in the field that triggers form submission.
  • Button Field Size: Controls button field size (Default, 20%, 50%, 100%, etc.).
  • Message de réussite : Displays a message upon successful submission.
  • Icône: Adds an icon to the button from the library or you can upload SVG.
  • Bouton Position: Determines icon’s placement (Before or After the text).
  • Between Space – Adjusts spacing between button text and icon.

Style the Mailchimp Form #

  • Form – You can style the form by adjusting the column gap, row gap, labels, colors, etc.
  • Field – For fields you can change text and background color, typography, border, padding, etc.
  • Bouton - Here you can set button position, text and background color, icon color, margin, padding, etc.
  • Messages – To write the message nicely, you can change typography, success message color, error message color, etc.

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Updated on octobre 17, 2024