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    140 King Street, Melbourne victoria
  • Monday- Saturday: 9:30 – 04:30

Practice Areas

What we Are Expertat

Legal Practice Areas

Personal Injury

The bee’s knees I don’t want no agro he legged tinkety tonk.

  • Energy
  • Reoganization
  • Finance

Domestic Violence

The bee’s knees I don’t want no agro he legged tinkety tonk.

  • Energy
  • Reoganization
  • Finance

Drug Crimes

The bee’s knees I don’t want no agro he legged tinkety tonk.

  • Energy
  • Reoganization
  • Finance

A New Breed of
Legal Support

We know from first hand the true meaning of the word support.

The Skills

We will fight for you

Practice Area
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Happy Customer
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Evaluation & Consultation

    We know from first hand the
    true meaning of the word support.

    Head Office

    • phone-handset
      +(426) 266 348 76
    • map-marker1
      Avenue William St, Melbourne VIC 2400, Australia

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