Pricing Plan

Choose the perfect events pricing plan to suit your needs, with flexible options for every budget.


Bring Innovation to Your

Basic Pass

  • Facilities
  • Video Facilities
  • Speaker Facilities
  • Free ask questions privately

Golden Pass

  • Facilities
  • Video Facilities
  • Speaker Facilities
  • Free ask questions privately

Silver Pass

  • Facilities
  • Video Facilities
  • Speaker Facilities
  • Free ask questions privately

Discover Event Ticket Price

Explore Pricing Policies

Single day pass

  • One catered lunch
  • Afternoon snacks
  • Fun swag
  • Entrance Afterparty

All day pass

  • Fun swag
  • Afternoon snacks
  • One catered lunch
  • Entrance Afterparty

All day pass

  • Unlimited Entrance
  • Afternoon snacks
  • One catered lunch
  • Fun swag

NB: Price is in US dollars. The price displayed excludes sales tax.


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